10/100 MBit/s
Bus 1
Bus 2
© STULZ GmbH – all rights reserved EN/11.2018/G67C
wib8000 original instructions
2. Operation modes
up to 32 Stulz units:
• C1002
• C1010withSERC1010
• C2020withSERC1010
• C4000max
• C5000withMAXcard
• C6000
• C6000Chiller
• C7000IOCwithEBUS
PC with web
Intranet (LAN)
Provider // Internet (WAN)
Furthermore necessary for the start-up:
1. PC or notebook with network connection
3. Web browser as e.g.
- Internet Explorer from version 9
- Mozilla Firefox from version 2
- Opera from version 9
- Safari from version 3
up to 32 Stulz units:
• C1002
• C1010withSERC1010
• C2020withSERC1010
• C4000max
• C5000withMAXcard
• C6000
• C6000Chiller
• C7000IOCwithEBUS
Following protocols are supported:
- SNMPv1/v2c (Simple Network Management Proto-
col, Version 1, Version 2c), IPv4
Port 161
- HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), IPv4
Port 80
The WIB exists, as far as the hardware is concerned, in
two versions:
1. installed in the electrical box of an A/C unit, where it
is supplied by the 24 VAC voltage already present in
the A/C unit.
2. installed in a separate box with individual power
The WIB (Web Interface Board) is an interface between STULZ air conditioning units and the intranet or inter-
net via an ethernet connection.
This connection allows monitoring and control of A/C units. On the operators’s side the appropriate hardware
(PC or server) and the appropriate software (SNMP client and/or web browser) are necessary.
The STULZ controllers in A/C units are sequentially scanned on occurred alarms and availability. In case a
controller detects an error or a controller is not available (power failure at the A/C unit), the webside displays
this error, an alarm email is sent and a SNMP trap message is sent to each of the max. 6 configurable SNMP
trap receivers.
The corresponding Stulz controller provides a read out of all operating data simultaneously with the network
request (SNMP GET function or opening of a website).
In case values are changed via the website or the SNMP client, these values are immediately transferred to the
corresponding controller.
Every single user can individually choose between the temperature display in °C or °F as well as among diffe-
rent user languages when the data is displayed on the website (http). For website display it is not necessary to
allow Javascript or cookies. The individual user settings (temperature, language) are saved simply by creating
a bookmark in the browser.
It is also possible to assign a sequencing function via the Stulz bus; i.e. the controller receives on/-off com-
mands via the Stulz bus. The sequencing function includes an alarm monitoring and an A/C unit start when
limit values are exceeded.
In addition to this you should have your system administrator
provide you with all necessary data for the start-up. In
there is a form which you should have filled in for this