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SOM 9s
Priority logic
Priority logic
Adjustment range:
0, 1, 2, Su1, Su2
Factory setting: 1
Factory setting: 2 (stratified tank)
Priority logic can be used in 2-tank systems or systems with
vertical tank loading only and determines how the heat is
divided between the tanks. Different types of priority logic
are adjustable:
tank sequence control (1 and 2)
successive loading (Su 1 and Su 2)
parallel loading (0)
Priority logic can be used in 2-tank systems or
systems with vertical tank loading only.
1. If PRIO 1 or PRIO 2 is adjusted, the corresponding
tank (1=tank 1; 2=tank 2) will be loaded with priority if its
switch-on conditions are fulfilled and if it is not blocked. If
the priority tank is not blocked but its switch-on conditions
are not fulfilled, the tank sequence control starts provided
that the switch-on conditions of the subordinate tank are
If a subordinate tank can be loaded, it will be loaded for
the oscillating loading time tRUn. After the loading time
has ended, the pump is switched off for the loading break
tLB. If during this time the priority tank can be loaded, it
will be loaded. If the priority tank has reached its maximum
temperature, the subordinate tank will be loaded up to its
maximum temperature without oscillating loading logic.
2. If priority Su 1 or Su 2 is adjusted, the priority tank will
be loaded up to its maximum temperature. If the maximum
temperature is reached, the second tank will be loaded. If
the temperature of the first tank falls below SMAX, the
second tank will no longer be loaded, regardless of whether
the switch-on conditions of the priority tank or of the sub-
ordinate tank are fulfilled or not.
3. In systems with 2 pumps, both tanks will be loaded if the
corresponding switch-on conditions are fulfilled if PRIO 0
is adjusted.
In systems with 3-port valves, the tank with the lowest
temperature will be loaded first until its temperature is by
10 °R above the other tank. Loading will be switched to the
other tank. Then, the 2 tanks will be loaded alternately in
steps of 10 °R.
Loading break time
Adjustment range: 1 ... 30 min
Factory setting: 2 min
Oscillating loading time
Adjustment range: 1 ... 30 min
Factory setting: 15 min
If priority Su 1 or Su 2 is adjusted, solar loading
of the subordinate tank will be interrupted, if
the temperature of the priority tank (tank1 for
Su 1, tank 2 for Su 2) falls below its adjusted
maximum temperature. If, in that case, the tem-
perature difference between the priority tank
and the collector is not sufficiently high, solar
loading will be stopped completely.
Antifreeze function
COL (1) / OCFR
Antifreeze function
Selection: ON / OFF
Factory setting: OFF
Since this function uses the limited heat quantity
of the tank, the antifreeze function should be
used in regions with few days of temperatures
around the freezing point.
COL (1) / OCFR / CFR O
Antifreeze temperature on
Adjustment range: -40...+46 °F
Factory setting: 40 °F
COL (1) / OCFR / CFR F
Antifreeze temperature off
Adjustment range: -39...+48 °F
Factory setting: 42 °F
Sensor selection
Selection: 1, 2
Factory setting: 1
in 2-tank systems only
The antifreeze function activates the loading circuit between
the collector and the tank when the temperature falls below
the adjusted temperature CFR O. This will protect the fluid
against freezing or coagulating. If CFR F is exceeded, the
solar pump will be switched off again.
The antifreeze function will be suppressed if the tank tem-
perature of the selected tank falls below 42 °F. In 2-tank
systems, the function will switch to the second tank, in sys-
tems with vertical tank loading, it will switch to the upper
tank zone. If the temperature of the second tank (or of the
upper tank zone respectively) also falls below 42 °F, the
system will be switched off.
This function can only become active if the
tank temperature is higher than the collector