Final Assembly Continued
Mount the wing, first, to the rear struts using
wing retention pin and retain with rubber
Next, mount the wing to the front struts using
second wing retention pin and retain with
rubber bushing.
Drill a pilot hole then use a #2 x 1/4 in. screw
to secure gearbox to motor mount stick.
Flight Control Setup
Inspect wing for any warps that may have
worked their way in when covering or while
the model was in storage and remove prior to
. Lack of aileron control on this
model will make contending with a warped
wing very difficult.
Center control surface then set direction, rate
of travel, and dampening (expo).
Rudder servo should be controlled by the
Aileron channel of your radio as rudder on
this model also controls roll of the aircraft.
Rudder should follow Aileron stick travel i.e.
moving aileron stick to right should move
rudder to right of aircraft. Likewise, left
aileron stick input will move rudder left.
Elevator servo will be controlled by Elevator
channel of your radio. Pulling back on the
elevator stick should result in the elevator
moving UP! Likewise, forward stick results in
the elevator moving DOWN!
Rudder Travel
(rudder is VERY effective)
Low Rate +/- 15 degrees
30% expo
High Rate +/- 30 degrees
70% expo
Elevator Travel
Low Rate +/- 20 degrees
30% expo
High Rate +/-40 degrees
70% expo
Complete electrical connections and mount
your battery with hook and loop tape within
the fuselage (we attach the battery to the
fuselage side within easy reach of the battery
access hatch). FREDe is ready for pre-flight.
FREDe © 2009 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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