Final Assembly Continued
Optional Foam Cockpit Interior
If you’ve purchased the optional foam cockpit
interior kit
install now
using the following photos as a guide for
Remove paper backing, exposing adhesive
for foam interior bottom and install within
fuselage sides matching the opening for the
servo pocket assembly and rear strut pass-
thru. Tip: Prior to installation use a black
paint marker to color inside of fuselage sides.
Install foam cockpit combing in same manner
as foam interior bottom.
Install foam seat back.
Use thick CA glue to bond profile pilot within
Test fit, then bond with Thick CA, the rear
bass wood struts at rear of cockpit.
If desired, struts may be painted prior to
installation so long as no paint is applied to
area of strut that will be bonded to the
fuselage or plywood gussets.
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