Final Assembly Continued
Trim posts on Du-Bro RC Micro2 (DUB919)
control horns to 1/8 in.
Test fit, trimmed, Du-Bro RC Micro2 control
horns to rudder and elevator using laser
drilled holes in control surface to assist with
alignment. Horns must be installed on same
side as control rod. Retain horns using liberal
amounts of medium CA glue.
Tail Gear Assembly
Study the 9/16/2009 Tail Gear Assembly
addendum sheet, plan set, and the following
photo series to install tail gear with horizontal
and vertical fin assemblies.
From excess 1/32 in. inside dia. push-rod
tubing cut a length to 1-1/8 in. creating tail
Gear Bearing Tube.
Cut one more length of push-rod tube to 1 in
for Gear Steering Tube.
Use medium CA glue to bond 1-1/8 in. Gear
Steering Tube within the circular cut outs, in
parts F8 and F11.
Tube sits 1/8 in proud of F8 at horizontal
stabilizer saddle.
Tube sits 1/16 in. proud at F11 fuselage
Use clear tape to secure Gear Steering Tube
to notch in bottom of rudder assembly.
FREDe © 2009 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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