Final Assembly Continued
Repeat previous
steps for creating and
installing rudder push-rod to fuselage.
Assemble Fred,
our intrepid pilot courtesy of
Kris Cartwright. Spray the balsa profile pilot
with 3M 77 contact cement or coat with a
child’s paste glue stick.
Center and install the paper pilot artwork to
the balsa profile. Repeat for opposite side.
Use a black paint marker to color the balsa
profile edges black to match the pilot outline.
Color Fred’s mounting base using black paint
Glue Fred to base with medium CA glue. Tip:
Give pilot figure a light coat of spray lacquer
to protect from moisture.
Install color artwork for instrument panel using
3M 77 adhesive or glue stick.
FREDe © 2009 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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