Wing Construction Cont.
Lightly sand a 45 degree bevel to each side
of the aft end of part W7 then tack glue to
wing assembly as illustrated.
Lightly sand 1/8 in. x 3/16 in. balsa sub-spar
stock then install spanning entire assembly.
Finishing against edge of left wing tip.
Install 1/4 in. square balsa leading edge stock
to wing assembly.
Install 1/8 in. x 3/16 in. turbulator stock to
wing assembly at notches in ribs. 24 in.
lengths span the top of assembly while the
two 12 in. lengths fit in the single slot on
underside of ribs.
Cut and sand flush excess material from sub-
spar, turbulator, and leading edge stock.
side wing tip using techniques
described in previous wing tip step.
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