Wheel Pants
This step can be quite tricky as it is very easy to get side tracked and build two right or two left parts. Remember, we
want a right and left wheel pant. The best way, that I have found, to build these up and avoid making two identical parts is
to follow the instructions below EXACTLY.
Build two stacks of pants. Stack the wheel pants parts sequentially starting with the alpha parts A and ending at
H. Start another stack using the numeric parts starting at 1 and ending at 8.
Next Install the 1/16” ply part WP1 inside of the wheel pant. A 1/32” spacer WP3 should be glued to the outside
of the wheel pant as illustrated below. The remaining hardware is used to retain and space the wheel within the
pants. Use WP2 to retain the wire gear within the pant, securing it with the provided #0x3/16” screws.
Additionally there are 4 ply spacers provided to prevent the wheels from rubbing within the pants. We
recommend using bits of scrap tubing or the provided ply spacers to space the wheel inside the pant to
eliminate contact between the wheel and pant.
Sand wheel pants round in preparation for paint or covering. Tip! Don’t be a SQUARE! Try and sand the pants
nice and round to mimic the smooth shape of a full scale aircraft wheel pants.
© 2004 Stevens AeroModel.
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