Main Gear
Assemble gear spade. Locate parts LG7 and LG8. Using the 1/8” holes in parts LG7 and LG8 align balsa part
LG7 to plywood LG8. Inspect pre-bent landing gear using plan sheet as a guide. You may need to slightly
adjust the gear shape or trim excess wire from gear with heavy pliers. Install gear wire into channels in gear
spade and laminate second part LG8 to top of spade capturing gear legs within. Next, run thin CA into spade
by allowing it to wick in along the gear legs where they enter the spade. Sand the edges of the spade to
facilitate the fit to the gear block in the wing. The gear will fit very snug into the wing center section gear block.
We recommend working the unit in slowly being careful not to force the fit. DO NOT significantly sand the
plywood of the gear spade – doing so will cause future gear failure.
© 2004 Stevens AeroModel.
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