Inner Shaft Installation
4 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
I n n e r S h a f t I n s t a l l a t i o n
Clamp the upper post head back into the vise and
soft jaws.
Wrap a rag around the top of the upper post. Pour Reverb™ hydraulic
fluid into the IFP tube until the fluid overflows into the upper post and is
level with the top of the upper post.
Use your finger to remove any bubbles from the surface of the fluid if
bubbles are visible.
Wrap a rag around the upper post to absorb displaced hydraulic fluid.
Insert the inner shaft piston into the fluid and IFP tube. Push the seal
head down into the upper post and thread it into the upper post
by hand.
Reverb Hydraulic Fluid