Lower Post Removal
5 0 / 2 0 0 / 4 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
L o w e r P o s t R e m o v a l
Use bench vise soft jaw inserts to prevent damage to the seatpost or any seatpost component when clamping it into a vise. Clamp each component
only tight enough to prevent it from spinning in the soft jaws. To prevent the part from slipping, clean the vise soft jaw inserts with isopropyl alcohol
and a clean rag before use.
Clamp the lower post of the seatpost into a bench vise and
Park Tool® AV-5 soft jaw vise inserts, with the post head facing down.
Use a pick to rotate the retaining ring so the scalloped end is
accessible with the pick. Use the pick to pry the retaining ring out of
the groove. Slide the pick around the rim of the lower post to pry the
retaining ring from the lower post.
Push the upper post up to expose the poppet valve housing base plate
Use an 11 mm open end wrench and a 26 mm, or adjustable, open end
wrench to remove the lockring from the poppet valve housing.
Bench vise with Park Tool® AV-5 vise inserts
11 mm
26 mm