Speidel's Braumeister
Page 14 of 32
1st Rest
Temp S/A 052/042°C
Malt added
After adding the malt, set the valve positions
as per the figure on the left (fully opened).
Warning: The pressure in the malt pipe/
pressure line may not rise significantly over
0.15 bar to avoid clumping of the malt with
resultant limited agitation or even damage to
the sieve inserts. For the ideal pressure set the
rotation speed control to position 9-11 (dial
position). The setting should be guided by the
pressure in the pump, since this also varies
depending on the malt quantity, the way it has
been milled, and the recipe.
When you have added the malt, acknowledge with ENTER.
For safety's sake, the question is repeated "Malt added?" By
pressing START, you now start the actual brewing process
with the Braumeister. The pump and heating switch on. The
wort rises in the pipe and runs over. The cycle has started and
during the next phases the important elements are extracted
from the malt by the circulating wort.
Protein rest
At the protein rest the large protein molecules in the malt are broken down into
smaller components. The protein rest is important for clearing and full-bodiedness, but
particularly for the beer's foaming stability and capacity to bind carbonic acid. The
temperature is approximately 52°C and is maintained for 0 to 10 min according to the
recipe programmed.
The display now shows the rest, Set and Actual temperature
and the time. After reaching the pre-set temperature, the time
changes over to a countdown of the time remaining (flashing
display) for this phase Further phases are processed fully
automatically. The screen also shows the corresponding times
and temperatures as in phase 1.
Maltose rest
During the second phase, the maltose rest, the starch molecules are converted into
fermentable sugar by other enzymes that are present in the malt. This phase is an
important stage of the brewing process for alcohol formation because this is when the
largest amounts of sugar are formed. Extending the rest means gaining more sugar in
the wort, which results in a stronger beer. Shortening the time means that the beer will
have a fuller flavour due to having more dextrines. The temperature is approximately
63°C and is maintained for roughly 35 min. As in phase 1, the control system shows
the relevant data on the screen. The rest of the process (phases 2 to 5) is handled
completely automatically by the control system. During this the pump is switched off
briefly every 10 min (PUMP PAUSE), in order to shift the malt to a new position and
thus achieve a better yield. The Braumeister lid is kept on to save energy.