12.8 Starting aid
menus 7.8 / 7.8.1 - 7.8.3
With some solar systems, especially with vacuum tube collectors, it may
occur that the measurement value acquisition at the collector sensor occurs
too slowly or too inaccurately because the sensor is often not at the hottest
location. When the start help is activated the following sequence is carried
If the temperature at the collector sensor increases by the value specified
under “Increase” within one minute, then the solar pump is switched on for
the set “Purging time” so that the medium to be measured can be moved to
the collector sensor. If this still does not result in a normal switch-on condition,
then the start help function is subject to a 5-minute lockout time.
Start help setting range: on, off/default setting: off
Purging time setting range: 2 ... 30 sec./default setting: 5 sec.
Increase setting range: 1°C....10°C/default setting: 3°C/min.
This function should only be activated by a specialist if problems
arise with acquisition of measurement values. In particular follow
the instructions from the collector manufacturer.
Special functions
menu 7
12.7 Heat quantity
menus 7.7 / 7.7.1 - 7.7.5
In this menu the type and percentage of the glycol and the type and
placement of the Vortex flow sensor have to be set.
AF type
menu 7.7.1
Adjust the type of glycol/Anti-freeze that has been used in the system.
Settings range: Ethylene/Propylene /default setting: Ethylene
Glycol portion
menu 7.7.2
Adjust the percentage of glycol that has been used in the system.
Settings range: 0-60% /default setting: 40%
VFS type
menu 7.7.3
Set the type of Vortex flow sensor.
Settings range: 20, 40, 100 l/min /default setting: 40 l/min
VFS location
menu 7.7.4
The VFS location setting defines the position of the two sensors used for
heat metering. When VFS location is set to “flow”, it is assumed that sensor
4 is mounted in the return and vice versa.
Settings range: return/flow /default setting: return
To prevent damage to the Vortex Flow sensor, it is highly recom-
mended to install it in the return; if however the VFS is installed in
the flow make sure that the max. temperatures are not exceeded!
(0°C to 100°C long-term and -25°C to 120°C short-term)