11.3 Solar protection function
menus 6.3 / 6.3.1 - 6.3.5
Two solar protection variants V1+V2 and an alarm function with additional
settings are available for the hydraulic systems with solar; these are
explained in more detail below.
In variant V1 the storage tank or the swimming pool is heated up
over the Tmax value set under 10., which can lead to scalding and
damage to the system.
In variant V2 elevated standstill temperatures and the corresponding
system pressure are generated, which in some systems may lead
to damage.
The solar protection is switched off at delivery. Please consult the
operating instructions for the system components for information on
whether and what solar protection variants the system requires.
Col. alarm
If this temperature is exceeded at the collector sensor when the solar pump
is on a warning or error message is triggered. The red light flashes and
the corresponding warning appears in the display.
Col. alarm - setting range: Off/60°C to 300°C/default setting: Off
SPF variant V1
If the value “SPF T.on” is exceeded at the collector, the pump is switched
on to cool the collector. The pump is switched off if the value at the collector
drops bellow “SPF T.off” or the value “SPF Tmax stor.” is exceeded at the
storage tank or swimming pool. In systems with two storage tanks only the
lower-priority storage tank or swimming pool is used for heat dissipation.
SPF variant V2
If the value “SPF Ton” is exceeded at the collector, the pump is switched
off and not switched on again in order to protect the collector against
steam blasts, etc. The pump is only switched on again when the value at
the collector drops below “SPF Toff”.
SPF variant setting range : V1, V2, off/default setting : Off
SPF Ton setting range : from 60°C to 150°C/default setting: 110°C
SPF Toff setting range : from 50°C to 145°C/default setting: 100°C
SPF Tmax stor. setting range: from 0°C to 140°C/default setting: 90°C
Protective functions
menu 6