Special functions
This menu can only be selected and used if additional options or expansion modules
have been built into the controller. The associated supplementary installation, mount-
ing and operation instructions are then included with the speci
c expansion.
7.4. - Expansions
7.5. - Mixer
Settings are only necessary at the time of initial commissioning by the
specialist. Incorrect measurement values can lead to severe unpredict-
able errors.
7.5.1. - Turn time
The mixer is switched on i.e. is opening or closing for the time span set here, then the
temperature is measured to control the
ow temperature.
Settings range: 0.5 sec to 3 sec. / Default: 2 sec.
7.5.2. - Pause-Factor
The calculated pause time of the mixer is multiplied with the value set here. If the
pause factor is “1”, the normal pause time is used, “0.5” will use half the normal pause
time, “4” would quadruple the pause time.
Settings range: 0.1 to 4.0 / Default: 1.0
7.5.3. - Increase
If the temperature rises very fast, this value is added to the measured
ow tempera-
ture so that the mixer’s reaction is stronger.
If the measured temperature does not rise any more, the measured value is used
again. The measurement occurs once every minute.
Settings range: 0 to 20 / Default: 8