The menu is closed by pressing “esc” or select-
ing “Exit settings”.
The necessary basic settings required for
the control function of the heating circuit
are made in menu “5. Settings HC”.
Settings Heat circuit
This does not under any
circumstances replace the
safety facilities to be pro-
vided by the customer!
5. - Settings
5.1. - Heat circuit
If this value is exceeded at outdoor sensor S1 during the daytime mode times, the
controller automatically switches the heating circuit off = Summer mode.
If the outdoor temperature drops below this value, the heating circuit is switched on
again = Winter mode.
Settings range: from 0°C to 30°C / Default: 18°C
5.1.1. - Su/Wi Day
These settings apply during the daytime periods and periods with acti-
vated comfort boost.
If this value is exceeded at outdoor sensor S1 during the nighttime mode
times, the controller automatically switches the heating circuit off = Summer mode.
If the outdoor temperature drops below this value, the heating circuit is switched on
again = Winter mode.
Settings range: 0°C to 30°C / Default: 12°C
5.1.2. - Su/Wi night