- SS-HQ1 Application Notes -
Ver.1.0.0 January 7, 2005
10.1.6. Precautions for Port Driver Configuration
Parameters assigned to port drivers cannot be externally controlled. When external control is desired,
control must be terminated by removing the port driver assignment or by completing the following
parameter settings.
• PDRHOLD(CAT12_Byte5_bit5) = 1[h]
• CPUHOLD(CAT12_Byte5_bit0) = 1[h]
• The priority ranking of the parameter setting methods is as follows.
1. Port driver control
2. External communication control (computer, external microcontroller, and so on)
3. EEPROM setting values
4. CXD3172AR register setting values
• The parameter settings assigned to the port drivers are given priority, so note that the settings written
in EEPROM will be disabled.
• To enable the EEPROM settings, do not assign the parameters to port drivers.