Operating Manual | 5 Performing measurements
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Revision: 1.0 | 2022-03-04
Customizing measurement data representation
For a long-term measurement, the representation of the recorded measurement data in the
beam picture and/or the spectrum may be customized.
During the long-term measurement, press the beam picture or the spectrum and keep
pressing for about 2 seconds.
A context menu with representation options will open.
Additional display options in the beam picture
Indicates that the averaged image is displayed.
Tapping this icon switches to the peak hold image.
Indicates that the peak hold image is displayed.
Tapping this icon switches to the averaged image.
Standard display options
Apart from the additional display options for long-term measurements, further standard
display options are available. (see "Customizing beam picture representation", page 67)
Additional display options in the spectrum
Hiding or unhiding the averaged spectrum (green curve)
Hiding or unhiding the peak hold spectrum (yellow curve)
Standard display options
Apart from the additional display options for long-term measurements, further standard
display options are available. (see "Customizing spectrum representation", page 68)
Further information
For customizing and recording long-term measurements, please also see the following
descriptions and/or instructions: