9 Buffer tank
9 Buffer tank
Abb. 2-36
1 Buffer cylinder temperature top
2 Temperature of the energy source
3 Buffer cylinder temperature bottom
4 Info line: Heating request (Yes/No) to the
energy source.
5 Buffer tank settings
Button is only visible when
Time switching
is selected as
the buffer tank operating mode; may be adjusted by qua-
lified personnel only.
6 Buffer tank status line
Set buffer cylinder temperatures
Min. buffer cylinder temperature top
Buffer cylinder temperature top
falls below this
value, the energy source for the buffer tank starts
(e.g. boiler) and the buffer tank is re-charged (upon
time release).
Max. buffer cylinder temperature bottom
The buffer tank is charged until the
Buffer cylinder
temperature bottom
reaches this value.
In order to ensure optimum and efficient use
of the buffer tank, the difference between
these two temperatures should be > 15°C.
10 Solar system
(optional additional function)
The solar yield is charged into a solar tank. This tank
can be a buffer tank or a DHW tank.
Abb. 2-37
1 Collector temperature (measured at the col-
lector sensor)
2 Tank temperature bottom
3 Collector flow temperature
4 Collector return temperature
5 Solar circuit flow rate
6 Operating hour counter
7 Solar circuit settings
8 Solar circuit status line
Additional information on the solar functions,
for which a charge is due, (e.g. boiler control
of two or three solar circuits) will be provided
in a separate manual upon purchase, DR-
The solar yield is displayed in the
(prerequisite: A
solar system controlled by the
control, including thermal unit counter).
Operation manual