Solarflare
Server
Adapter
User
Guide
Solarflare
Adapters
on
Linux
Issue
©
Solarflare
Communications
Configuring
Task
Offloading
Solarflare
adapters
support
transmit
(Tx)
and
receive
(Rx)
checksum
offload,
as
well
as
segmentation
offload.
To
ensure
maximum
performance
from
the
adapter,
all
task
offloads
should
be
enabled,
which
is
the
default
setting
on
the
adapter.
For
more
information,
see
.
To
change
offload
settings
for
Tx
and
Rx,
use
the
ethtool
command:
ethtool
‐‐
offload
<ethX>
[rx
on|off]
[tx
on|off]
Configuring
Receive/Transmit
Ring
Buffer
Size
By
default
receive
and
transmit
ring
buffers
on
the
Solarflare
adapter
support
descriptors.
The
user
can
identify
and
reconfigure
ring
buffer
sizes
using
the
ethtool
command.
To
identify
the
current
ring
size:
ethtool
‐
g
ethX
To
set
the
new
transmit
or
receive
ring
size
to
value
ethtool
‐
ethX
[rx
N|
tx
N]
The
ring
buffer
size
must
be
a
value
between
and
4096.
On
the
SFN7000
and
SFN8000
series
adapters
the
maximum
buffer
size
is
restricted
to
2048.
Buffer
size
can
also
be
set
directly
in
the
modprobe.conf
file
or
add
the
options
line
to
a
file
under
the
/etc/modprobe.d
directory
e.g.
options
sfc
rx_ring=4096
Using
the
modprobe
method
sets
the
value
for
all
Solarflare
interfaces.
Then
reload
the
driver
for
the
option
to
become
effective:
modprobe
‐
r
sfc
modprobe
sfc
Configuring
Jumbo
Frames
Solarflare
adapters
support
frame
sizes
from
bytes
to
bytes.
For
example,
to
set
a
new
frame
size
of
bytes,
enter
the
following
command:
ifconfig
<ethX>
mtu
To
make
the
changes
permanent,
edit
the
network
configuration
file
for
<
ethX
>;
for
example,
/etc/sysconfig/network
‐
scripts/ifcfg
‐
eth1
and
append
the
following
configuration
directive,
which
specifies
the
size
of
the
frame
in
bytes:
MTU=9000