Solarflare
Server
Adapter
User
Guide
Solarflare
Adapters
on
Windows
Issue
©
Solarflare
Communications
4.24
Sfkey:
License
Management
Tool
•
•
•
Sfkey
is
a
Windows
command
line
utility
for
managing
Solarflare
AppFlex™
licenses
and
enabling
selected
on
‐
board
services
for
Solarflare
adapters.
For
more
information
about
license
requirements
see
.
Sfkey:
Command
Usage
Login
with
an
administrator
account.
Click
Start
>
All
Programs
>
Solarflare
Drivers
>
Command
Line
Tools
.
If
you
installed
the
Solarflare
system
tray
icon,
you
can
right
‐
click
the
icon
and
choose
Command
‐
line
tools
instead.
In
the
Command
Prompt
window,
enter
the
following
command:
sfkey
[/Adapter
<Identifier>]
[options]
where:
‐
Identifier
is
the
name
or
of
the
adapter
that
you
want
to
manage.
Specifying
the
adapter
is
optional
‐
if
it
is
not
included
the
command
is
applied
to
all
Solarflare
adapters
in
the
machine.
‐
option
is
the
option
you
to
apply.
See
for
a
list
of
available
options.
Sfkey:
Command
Line
Options
lists
the
command
options
for
sfkey.
Note
that
command
line
options
are
case
insensitive
and
may
be
abbreviated.
Abbreviations
in
scripts
should
be
avoided,
since
future
updates
to
the
application
may
render
your
abbreviated
scripts
invalid.
Table
51:
Sfkey
Options
Options
Description
/Help
or
/?
or
/H
Displays
command
line
syntax
and
provides
a
description
of
each
sfkey
option.
/Version
Shows
detailed
version
information
and
exits.
/Nologo
Hides
the
version
and
copyright
message
at
startup.
/Verbose
Shows
extended
output
information
for
the
command
entered.