Solarflare
Server
Adapter
User
Guide
Solarflare
Adapters
on
Windows
Issue
©
Solarflare
Communications
Using
is
a
standard
Windows
Installer
property
that
controls
which
features
are
installed
via
the
command
line.
For
Solarflare
adapters,
the
following
features
can
be
installed
from
the
command
line:
•
CoreDrivers
–
Installs
the
core
adapter
drivers
•
NetworkAdapterManager
–
Installs
Solarflare
Adapter
Manager
•
CommandLineTools
–
Installs
Solarflare
command
line
tools:
sfboot.exe,
sfupdate.exe,
sfcable.exe,
sfkey.exe,
sfteam.exe,
sfnet.exe.
•
Launcher
–
Installs
the
Solarflare
system
tray
icon,
providing
easy
access
to
the
Solarflare
Adapter
Manager
(SAM).
Multiple
features
may
be
installed
by
separating
each
feature
with
a
comma
(spaces
are
not
allowed).
cannot
prevent
Launcher
from
being
installed
if
either
NetworkAdapterManager
or
CommandLineTools
are
not
installed
or
are
still
being
installed.
examples
•
Install
the
package
interactively
with
the
default
installation
options
selected
(equivalent
to
Setup.exe
or
Setup.exe
/Install)
.
Setup.exe
/Install
ADDLOCAL=CoreDrivers,
NetworkAdapterManager,CommandLineTools,Launcher
•
Install
the
package
without
any
management
tools.
Displays
a
limited
user
interface
with
status
and
progress
only.
Setup.exe
/Quiet
/Install
ADDLOCAL=CoreDrivers
•
Install
Solarflare
Adapter
Manager
only.
This
command
shows
no
user
interface
during
installation
and
will
restart
the
host
system
if
required.
Setup.exe
/Quiet
/Install
ADDLOCAL=NetworkAdapterManager
setup.exe
/Quiet
/Install
ADDLOCAL=NetworkAdapterManager
REBOOT=Suppress
Silently
installs
the
drivers
and
Solarflare
Adapter
Manager
only,
but
suppresses
the
auto
‐
restart
at
the
end
of
the
installation.
<PROPERTY>=<Value>
Specify
one
or
more
install
properties.
Table
32:
Solarflare
Installation
Options
Example
Action