Heating control - user manual
Instructions for the installation and setup
of the device
Page 25 of 58
“Bivalent 2
level request” – the internal control requires the operation of the 2
level of the bivalent
heat source.
“Control temperature temporarily increased” – it indicates a state of a temporarily increased control
temperature by 2 °C according to the “Enable temporary increase of control temperature” setting.
“Max. temperature reached” – the control temperature reached a limit set by the “Maximum
temperature” item, the heat pump and the bivalent heat source will switch off.
“Internal control limited” – a limitation set by the “Limit internal control when no heating” option.
“Current control temperature” – the current control temperature read by the temperature sensor,
typically in the storage tank.
“Requested control temperature” – the temperature provided by a request according to the selected
internal control mode.
“Internal requested power” – it shows the value of the internally requested power of the heat pump in
“External requested power” – it shows the value of the externally requested power of the heat pump
in %.
“Requested output power” – it shows the maximum values of the internally and externally requested
power in %. This value represents the actual requested power of the heat pump. In the case of
proportional control it ranges from 0 to 100%, in the case of two-state control it is either 0% or 100%.
“Internal control off-timer” – it shows the remaining time until the heat pump is switched off if it has
been activated by the internal control.
“Bivalent 1
level on-timer” – it shows the time until the 1
level of the bivalent heat source is
switched on if it is requested by the internal control.
“Bivalent 2
level on-timer” – it shows the time until the 2
level of the bivalent heat source is
switched on if it is requested by the internal control.
“Internal control mode” – selection of the mode of determining the requested control temperature:
“Constant temperature” – it is determined by the constant given below.
“Equitherm control” – it is determined by the equitherm curve which can be displayed or
adjusted in the “Equitherm curve” dialog.
“Constant temperature” – it shows the requested control temperature in the internal control mode of
the same name.
“Maximum temperature” – it shows the limit of the control temperature; when this limit is exceeded,
the heat pump and the bivalent heat source switch off.
“Min. outside temperature to run heat pump” – the heat pump switches on only if the outside
temperature is higher than this value. Otherwise only the bivalent heat source is active.
“Max. outside temperature to run bivalents” – the bivalent heat source switches on only if the outside
temperature is lower than this value. Otherwise (in higher temperatures) only the heat pump runs.
“Temp. hyst./proportional band” – it has 2 roles depending on the type of control:
In the proportional control mode (types according to a) it shows the proportional band. If the
current control temperature is lower than the requested temperature minus the proportional