Floating Mixer
The Floating Mixer buttons brings up a bank
of faders on a floating window over the Edit
window. The floating mixer can be adjusted
and moved anywhere on the screen.
The floating mixer can be expanded or collapsed by
pressing the “-“ or “+” button on the floating mixer header.
The mixer can be viewed as 8, 16 or 24 channels.
External Mixer
Pressing the RAVEN MIXER or will open the
External free-standing Mixer.
Here users can open inserts, adjust pans, solos/
mute, and automation status.
Sends Mixer
The Channel/Sends button is only
accessible in the RAVEN Internal Mixer or
RAVEN External Mixer mode, and if active
users can touch the Channel button to
flip the screens to see their SENDS and
corresponding faders.
Sends Selection
Use the Sends A-E button to toggle between
the 5 sends setup in the Pro Tools Mixer.
These are relative to the send insert and
can control any bus assigned to send A-E.
Like the RAVEN External Mixer, the floating mixer can also be banked using finger swipes. Touch
the fader faceplate and glide your one finger left and/or right to bank by one track at a time. Do not
touch the fader cap for a banking motion. Users can also bank more quickly by using two-fingers on
the faceplate of the fader tracks and swipe left or right to bank by 24-tracks at a time. Pressing the
pan button will switch the top section of the mixer from automation modes to pan modes.