If users don’t set the Taskbar to autohide
it will throw off the RAVEN Internal Mixer
Set Main Display:
Navigate to display preferences and set the RAVEN
MTi as the display on the left. Then check the box to
make the RAVEN the main display and hit Apply.
Users also need to set the size of the text to %100 so
the RAVEN application will open to the correct size.
Finally, confirm the RAVEN display is set to
Auto-Hide Taskbar:
Right-click your Taskbar and select “Properties.”
Make sure all of the options here are unchecked,
except for the “Auto-Hide Taskbar” option. Confirm
the Taskbar location is set to “Top or Right” and the
Taskbar buttons should be set to, “Always Combine,
Hide Labels.” Now, close the window.