64 09 713 D3610
02 09.2016
5 Operation
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.4 Position the sensor
Operating Instructions and Installation XIOS XG USB module and sensors
Position the sensor
Since the positioning of the sensors in the beam path of the cone strongly
influences the image quality, using the parallel technique with the XIOS
XG sensor holder system or with the #AimRight# sensor holder system is
recommended for optimal positioning of the sensors.
With the XIOS XG sensor holder system the sensor is affixed to the
sensor holder with a sensor holder tab. Sensor holder tabs may be
detached and reaffixed several times during an exposure series on the
same patient. The sensor holder tabs must be glued to the active sensor
surface (A) in all cases.
The #AimRight# sensor holder system is a plug-in system. No sensor
holder tabs are required.
The sensor cable is sensitive to mechanical influences.
The cable may become damaged or may wear out prematurely.
➢ Avoid bending, creasing or rotating the cable or exposing it to other
strains. Do not ride over the sensor cable, e.g., in a chair. Do not
swirl the sensor about by its cable.
➢ When removing the plug pull on the plug and not on the cable.
➢ Make sure that the sensor cable is run out of the patient's mouth in
such a way that the patient cannot bite it.
➢ Inspect the sensor cable visually for damage every day.