64 09 713 D3610
02 09.2016
4 Installation
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
4.3 Connect USB module and hub
Operating Instructions and Installation XIOS XG USB module and sensors
SIDEXIS XG / SIDEXIS 4 and the SIDEXIS plug-in for XIOS XG has
been successfully installed on the PC, see "Install PC software"
[ → 28].
1. If an active USB hub is required, install it according to the
manufacturer's instructions.
2. Connect the USB module directly with the PC or with the hub. Use the
USB cable supplied by Sirona.
The operating system detects the USB module. A message appears
in the info area of the Windows taskbar (Systray).
Leakage currents from the USB hub are transmitted to the X-ray
There is a risk of electric shock for both the patient and the user.
➢ The USB hub should only be operated outside the patient
environment (up to 1.5 m around the patient).
➢ Please also refer to the technical requirements for the USB hub, see
"USB hub (optional)" [ → 21].
Only one XIOS XG USB module may be connected to this PC.
Ensure safe cable installation
When installing the USB cable and the individual components, make
sure that the connections cannot be accidentally loosened,
disconnected or damaged, e.g. due to tripping over or pulling them, etc.