64 09 713 D3610
02 09.2016
2 Safety instructions
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.1 Qualifications of operating personnel
Operating Instructions and Installation XIOS XG USB module and sensors
Safety instructions
Qualifications of operating personnel
The system may only be operated by skilled or properly trained
Personnel undergoing education or training, or who are using the unit as
part of general training may only operate the unit under the constant
supervision of an experienced person.
Suitable hygienic measures must be taken to prevent cross
contamination between patients, users and other persons.
The hygienic protective sleeves and sensor holder tabs are single use
devices which must be renewed for each patient. Do not use single use
devices more than once.
The sterilizable exposure accessories such as the rods and rings of the
XIOS XG sensor holder must be sterilized to prevent any possible
transmission of infective agents which might under certain circumstances
cause serious illnesses.
The sensors and the cable must be disinfected before each patient. Refer
to Hygiene.
Radiation protection
The valid radiation protection regulations and measures must be
observed. The statutory radiation protection equipment must be used.
Please follow the manual for your X-ray tube assembly.
PC system and software
During the exposure, the data connection and power supply must be
ensured via the USB port. Under Power Options on the control panel set
the PC so that it never switches to stand-by operation or goes to sleep.
SIDEXIS XG / SIDEXIS 4 may not be terminated until the end of the
exposure. Before image acquisition, close all programs that are not
required for the operation of SIDEXIS XG / SIDEXIS 4. Any programs
running in the background, such as media players, print managers,
backup software, etc., may cause SIDEXIS XG / SIDEXIS 4 to crash
during the exposure. In cases of doubt, consult your system
These operating instructions presuppose that you are familiar with the
use of the SIDEXIS XG / SIDEXIS 4software.
Allocation of acquisition system to patient
During routine practice, the clear allocation of the acquisition system to
the patient to be examined is ensured. This also applies to the allocation
of the X-rays to the patient data stored by SIDEXIS XG / SIDEXIS 4.