User Manual
Moving the scale pointer to select a suitable temperature range. Or click button Auto to restore the original brightness.
Double clicking the opening image file will activate this command as well.
M8 control command
The following command is available if the camera connected with PC via USB 2.0 is M8.
Calibration (F2)
Send calibration command to the camera
Near Focus (F3)
Press F3 continously to adjust near focus, stop adjusting by releasing the
Far Focus (F4)
Press F4 continously to adjust far focus, stop adjusting by releasing the
Video capture command
When playing infrared video, use this command under Video Menu or Press Ctrl + T to capture the current image. The capture image can be
done as following
Save as .IRI file or .JPG file to the appointed directory path
Open as new .IRI or .JPG file
Save as .IRI file or .JPG file and open it
Note: For M8, the file fomat is .JPG
Auto focusing command
When playing infrared video, use this command under Video Menu or Press Ctrl + F to perform auto fucus operation on camera.
Play command
Use this command or press
to play infrared video. If it is
mode, perform this command to change it to
Pause Command
Use this command or press
to pause infrared video. If it is
mode, perform this command to change it to
Forward command
User this command or press
to make the video go forward by one frame when playing video.
Backward command
Use this command or press
to make the video go backward by one frame when playing video.
Record command