Building Technologies
Modular Heating Controller RMH760B
HVAC Products
14 Communication
14 Communication
A detailed description of communication is given in Basic Documentation P3127
(Communication via Konnex bus). In the following, the most important settings are
described that are required for commissioning a basic plant.
Communication is activated when the following conditions are satisfied:
The device address has been entered (every bus user requires its individual device
Bus power supply is available
The bus device is not in commissioning mode
The exchange of data required for heating and ventilation plant takes place in LTE
mode (Easy Mode). This mode facilitates straightforward data exchange without requir-
ing a major engineering effort.
Similar data are exchanged within zones. To make possible communication, it is there-
fore sufficient to create a common zone.
Device addressing has no impact on the plant’s functioning. The plants can be on the
same RMH760B or on different Konnex controllers interconnected via bus.
14.1 Basic settings
Before the zone assignments for the exchange of process data can be made, the
device address must be set.
Main menu > Commissioning > Communication > Basic settings
Operating line
Factory setting
Device address
1…253 (1…255)
Decentral bus power supply
Off / On
Clock time operation
Autonomous / Slave /
Remote setting clock slave
Yes / No
Remote reset of fault
Yes / No
The settings made here are also shown under:
Main menu > Device information > Communication > Basic settings
Every bus user requires its individual device address.
Device addresses 254 and 255 are reserved for special functions. With device address
255, communication is deactivated (no exchange of process data).
For small plants (maximum 8 devices), decentral power supply is adequate. This
represents the factory setting. For detailed information, refer to Data Sheet N3127
(Konnex bus) and Basic Documentation P3127 (Konnex communication).
When selecting "Autonomous", the controller does not receive or send the time of day.
If a common time of day shall be used in the system, one of the controllers will be
defined as the clock time master and the others as slaves.
Function “Remote setting clock slave” enables the user to set the time of day and the
date on a clock time slave.
The new values will be sent to the clock time master via Konnex bus. The master then
delivers the new time of day to all bus users. This means that for the user, operation is
the same as on the clock master.
Activating communica-
Exchange of process data
Device address
Decentral bus power
Clock time operation
Remote setting clock slave