Programming and Operating Manual (Milling)
6FC5398-4DP10-0BA1, 01/2014
When assigning, write the " = " sign after the address character. It is also possible to have an assignment with a minus sign.
A separate block is required for assignments to axis addresses (traversing instructions).
N10 G0 X=R2
;Assignment to X axis
Arithmetic operations/arithmetic functions
When operators/arithmetic functions are used, it is imperative to use the conventional mathematical notation. Machining
priorities are set using the round brackets. Otherwise, multiplication and division take precedence over addition and
Degrees are used for the trigonometric functions.
Permitted arithmetic functions: see Section "List of instructions (Page 258)"
Programming example: Calculating with R parameters
N10 R1= R1+1
;The new R1 is calculated from the old R1 plus 1
N20 R1=R2+R3 R4=R5-R6 R7=R8*R9 R10=R11/R12
N30 R13=SIN(25.3)
;R13 equals sine of 25.3 degrees
N40 R14=R1*R2+R3
; Multiplication and division take precedence over
addition or subtraction R14=(R1*R2)+R3
N50 R14=R3+R2*R1
;Result, the same as block N40
N60 R15=SQRT(R1*R1+R2*R2)
N70 R1= -R1
;The new R1 is the negative old R1
Programming example: Assign R parameters to the axes
R1=40 R2=10 R3=-20 R4=-45 R5=-30
N10 G1 G90 X=R1 Z=R2 F300
;Separate blocks (traversing blocks)
N20 Z=R3
N30 X=-R4
N40 Z= SIN(25.3)-R5
;With arithmetic operations
Programming example: Indirect programming
N10 R1=5
;Assigning R1 directly value 5 (integer)
N20 G0 X R[R1]=27.123
;Indirectly assign R5 the value 27.123
Local User Data (LUD)
The operator/programmer (user) can define his/her own variable in the program from various data types (LUD = Local User
Data). These variables are only available in the program in which they were defined. The definition takes place immediately
at the start of the program and can also be associated with a value assignment at the same time. Otherwise the starting
value is zero.
The name of a variable can be defined by the programmer. The naming is subject to the following rules:
A maximum of 31 characters can be used.
It is imperative to use letters for the first two characters; the remaining characters can be either letters, underscore or
Do not use a name already used in the control system (NC addresses, keywords, names of programs, subroutines, etc.).