Service and maintenance
12.2 Error messages
Configuration Manual, 03/2018, C79000-G8976-C386-06
PLC block
Error description
2 Hz
A parameter of an XML command has an invalid value or the parameter assignment of
the communications module or the reader was incorrect.
Possible causes / action to be taken:
Check the parameters in the Ident profile.
Check the relevant XML command.
Check the parameter assignment in HW Config / STEP 7 (TIA Portal).
The "WRITE-CONFIG" command has incorrect parameter settings.
After a startup, the reader or communications module has still not received an
The parameter assignment of the reader or communications module on
PROFIBUS/PROFINET was incorrect and the command cannot be executed.
Possible causes / action to be taken:
Length of the input/output areas is too small for the cyclic I/O word.
Check whether you have used the correct GSD file.
User data length set with the command (e.g. "READ") is too high.
Error when processing the command.
Possible causes / action to be taken:
The data in "AdvancedCmd" or "IID_CMD_STRUCT" is incorrect (e.g. "WRITE"
command with length = 0).
Check "AdvancedCmd" or "IID_CMD_STRUCT" and execute an "INIT".
The hardware of the reader/communications module is defective. The reader or
communications module receives bad data with an "INIT".
The AB byte does not match the user data length.
The wrong reset block was selected.
Possible causes / action to be taken:
Regardless of the selected reader system, use the "Reset_Reader" function block.
0xE6FE04 Presence error
A transponder has passed through the transmission window of a reader without being pro-
This error message is not reported immediately. Instead, the reader or communications
module waits for the next write / read command. This command is replied to immediate-
ly with this error and the write/read command is not executed. The next command is ex-
ecuted normally again by the reader/communications module.
You can reset this error status using an "INIT".
Bit 2 is set in the "OPT1" parameter and there is no transponder in the transmission