Programming via SIMATIC controller
8.3 Setting the "IID_HW_CONNECT" data type
Configuration Manual, 03/2018, C79000-G8976-C386-06
Ident profile is required
Note that the Ident profile also needs to be integrated in your project even if you only work
with the Ident blocks. When executing commands, the Ident blocks access the Ident profile.
Setting the "IID_HW_CONNECT" data type
Depending on the controller type used and the version of your Ident library, there are two
methods for configuring your Ident devices.
If you are using an S7-1200/1500 controller as of STEP 7 Basic/Professional V14 SP1 (TIA
Portal) with Ident library version as of V5.0, the blocks are configured using the "SIMATIC
Ident" technology object. You can find detailed information about this in the TIA Portal help
(→ technology object "SIMATIC Ident").
The method described below is aimed at users of an S7-300/400 controller with STEP 7
Basic/Professional (TIA Portal) or STEP 7 Classic or an S7-1200/-1500 controller with Ident
library version < V5.0.
Before you can start parameter assignment of the blocks, you first need to create a variable
of the PLC data type "IID_HW_CONNECT". The Ident system or a channel of the Ident
system is addressed using the "IID_HW_CONNECT" PLC data type.
Addressing the Ident devices
When working with all the instructions/blocks, you require the "IID_HW_CONNECT" data
type to address the reader. Setting the command parameters for the Ident profile is handled
by the Ident blocks. The Ident profile and the "AdvancedCMD" block also require the
"IID_CMD_STRUCT" data type for the parameter assignment of the individual commands.
Depending on whether you work with the Ident profile or the Ident blocks, you need to link in
and assign parameters for these data types as described in the following sections.