Building Technologies
Basic documentation: Communication via the KNX bus
HVAC Products
Device addresses via ACS
Turn the knob to select the "Search address" line. Then press the knob to initiate
the search for the next unused addressed.
A successful search is indicated by the word "Found". The line and area are
adopted by the super-ordinate couplers (if these exist).
To return to the start page, press the ESC button as many times as necessary.
When addresses are assigned by setting them with the rotary knob (see previous
page) address 252 is suggested as a device address.
Address 252 is also suggested as a device address when the "Search address"
method is used. The search is faster if address 252 has not yet been assigned to a
bus device.
1. In ACS Service select
Plant > Edit device list…
to open the "Edit device list" dialog
box (see section 5.2.1).
2. Select the bus operator unit with the left mouse button and click the button
to open the "Address assignment" dialog box.
3. Enter a device address in the range 1…253 (excluding 150), and confirm by
clicking the
1. Set the bus operator unit
to programming mode. To do this, select the
"Communication" operator page.
Main menu > Commissioning > Communication
2. Select the operating line "Programming button" and set the "Off" status to "On",
i.e. "Programming mode = On".
3. In ACS Service select
Plant > Edit device list…
to open the "Edit device list" dialog
box (see section 5.2.3). Click the
Programming mode…
button to open the "Address
assignment" dialog box.
4. Enter a device address in the range 1…253 (excluding 150), and confirm by
clicking the
5. At this stage, the following applies: Select the "Programming button" line and
set the status from "On" to "Off", because unless it is reset to "Off", the bus
operator unit will remain in programming mode.
Finding the device
address automatically
Assigning addresses
Programming mode
Line: 2
Device address: 255
Search address: ---
Programming button: Off