BA 9213 en 03/2012
Cleaning the gear unit
Depending on requirements,
at least every 2 years
see item 10.2.5
Checking condition
of water oilcooler
Depending on requirements,
at least once a year
see item 10.2.7
Checking hose lines
see item 10.2.9
Change the hose lines
6 years from the manufacturing
date impressed
see item 10.2.9
Check tightness of fastening bolts
After first oil change,
then every 2 years
see item 6.11
Checking the preservation
of the free shaft ends
Every 3 years
see item 7.4.2
General inspection of the gear unit
Every 2 years
see item 10.3.1
When using synthetic oils and depending on the individual application, the periods can be extended.
General oil service lives
According to the manufacturers, the following are the minimum periods during which the oils can be used
without undergoing any significant change in quality. They are calculated on the basis of an average oil
temperature of 80 °C:
─ for mineral oils, biologically degradable oils and physiologically safe (synthetic esters) oils 2 years
or 10 000 operating hours
(does not apply to natural esters rape seed oils, etc. )
─ for poly
olefins and polyglycols: 4 years or 20 000 operating hours.
The actual service lives may differ. The general rule is that an increase in temperature of 10 K
will halve the service life and a temperature decrease of 10 K will approximately double the
service life.
Description of maintenance and repair work
Examining water content of oil / conducting oil analyses
More information about examining the oil for water content or conducting oil analyses is obtainable from
your lubricant manufacturer or our customer service.
For reference purposes, a fresh sample of the operating lubricating oil used must be sent with the used
oil sample to the analysing institute for analysis.
The oil sample must be taken downstream of the filter of the oilsupply system while the gear unit is
running. A suitable connection point is normally located upstream of the gear unit input (e.g. oil drain
cock in the pressure line).
A special sample container should be filled with the specified quantity of oil.
If there is no such sample container available, at least one litre of oil must be put in a
transportworthy, sealable vessel.