BA 5846 en 05/2015
The heating rods can be controlled by a temperature monitor which emits a signal when minimum and
maximum temperatures are reached; the signal requires amplification.
The gear unit is fitted with an oillevel monitoring device. This oillevel monitoring system checks the
minimum oil level of the gear unit, which is required for immerging the heating rod.
The signal must be wired so that, when the "Oil level too low" signal is given, the heating rods are switched
off. This ensures that the heating elements are not operated, if not completely immersed.
Risk of explosion or fire
Fire hazard or risk of ignition of a potentially explosive atmosphere through exposed heating elements
Never switch on the heating elements, unless complete immersion of the heating elements in the oil bath
is ensured.
If heating elements are fitted afterwards, the maximum heating capacity (see table 7) on the outer surface
of the heating elements must not be exceeded.
Be sure to observe the operating instructions of the oillevel monitoring device for operation and
The correct setting of the switch points must be checked (see item 5.10).
For technical data and control information, refer to the data sheet and/or the list of equipment.
Checking procedure
The following visual checks must be conducted and recorded when starting up:
Presence of "Ex" explosionprotection marking
Oil level
Leaktightness of the oilcooling or oilsupply lines
Opening condition of the shutoff valves
Effectiveness of the shaft seals
Freedom of the rotating parts from contact
The tension pressures or pretensioning forces shown in item must also be recorded in this
The record must be kept with these instructions.