25BParameter sets: Neural fire detector
58 | 138
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
Fast Response (6)
The parameter set reacts in a fast and highly sensitive manner. It is especially
suited for rooms without deceptive phenomena, where the priority is on detecting
the fire as early as possible.
High Sensitive Fast (9)
The parameter set reveals a significantly higher optical and thermal sensitivity than
'Fast Response (6)'. On account of its particularly high sensitivity, it is also suitable
for applications that can otherwise only be covered with special detectors.
Download 1 (14)/Download 2 (15)
The parameter sets can be loaded on site on an application-specific basis
(depending on the control panel).
Universal Fast (12)
The parameter set is only available for the FDOOT241-A3 in AnalogPLUS
operation. It is particularly suitable for migrating detectors to AnalogPLUS control
In terms of sensitivity, it is similar to the 'Balanced (4)' parameter set. With a
response time of <10 seconds, it simulates a fast response similar to AnalogPLUS
detectors. This increases sensitivity towards deceptive phenomena.
Super Sensitive (11)
The parameter set is only available for fire detector FDOOT241-Ax from product
version ES
≥50. It is suitable for applications that require fast and sensitiv
response behavior. It is twice as sensitive as the 'High Sensitive Fast (9)'
parameter set in detecting smoldering fires and temperature increases. Its
response behavior with respect to smoldering fires is similar to that of the FDO241
with the 'Sensitive (3)' parameter set.
If the FDOOT241-A4 is operated as SDF1200, SDF2200 or SDF3100 under
SIGMALOOP, it can be switched to '0' mode with the detector exchanger and
tester. However, '0' mode has not been tested for EN 54-7. As it also evaluates
the heat sensors, the FDOOT241-A4 reacts a maximum of 1.5 times more
sensitively compared to purely optical behavior.