BC8001A Installation and Operating Instruction
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Failure content
Possible reasons
Auto-interlocking trouble
Interlocking relationship is not set
correctly or interlocking relationship is
not right;
Control device is damaged;
Power supply or control line trouble;
Change configuration file;
Replace damaged equipment;
Examine wiring;
Manual control trouble
Operating level is low;
Control unit is not in manual mode;
Control device is damaged;
Power supply and control line failure;
Log on higher level;
Alter the working mode of control unit;
Replace damaged equipment;
Examine wiring;
Failure of “isolate” and
Operating level is low;
Operating method is not right;
Operating panel is damaged;
Main board is damaged;
Log on higher operating level;
Replace operating panel;
Replace main board;
Failure of “Test” and
“Restore[Test mode]”
Operating level is low;
Operating method is not right;
CPU board is damaged;
Log on higher operating level;
Replace CPU board;
Display errors of
“Fire-alarm”, “Activate” and
“Trouble ”etc.
Errors of configuration file;
CPU board is damaged;
Update the configuration file;
Replace CPU board;
Failure of Inquiring history
Operating level is low;
Operating method is not right;
Main board is damaged;
Log on higher operating level;
Replace main board;
Failure of site programming
Operating level is low;
Operating method is not right;
CPU board is damaged;
Log on higher operating level;
Replace CPU board;
Other operating failure on
control unit
Operating level is low or operating
method is not right,
Configuration file is lost or fault;
Some hardware is damaged;
Log on higher operating level;
Update configuration file;
Replace damaged hardware;
Date is displayed as
Battery on main board is damaged
Replace battery on main board