BC8001A Installation and Operating Instruction
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11.1 How to do system test
check work status of LCD, buzzer, LEDs.
How to do:
1. Press “ ” to enter main menu.
The main menu is displayed.
2. Press “
” to choose “3.Operation” and press “OK” key.
All stations are displayed.
3. Press “
” to choose one desired station and press “OK” key.
4. Press “
” to choose “2.System Test” and press “OK” key.
Control unit starts to check:
LCD screen changes from black to white,
All audible sounds
All LED indicators are on
After finishing checking, no message is displayed and return to previous window.
Checking standard:
Screen--Normal state is normal display of all screen area.
Sound -- Normal state is that buzzer sends out 4 kinds of sounds (fire alarm, fault,
active and isolate).
LED -- Normal state is all LEDs brightening.
<Operate Stations > L3 A
001 BC8001A Compact Stati
<Operate Stations > L3 A
2.System Test
<Main Menu> L 3 A
1. RT Information
2. History Record
3. Operation
4. Configure