Special considerations for EFI systems
Input signals
In an EFI system, the input signals for monitoring case switching are applied to the
inputs of the host or a safety controller. The guest communicates with the host via EFI
and receives the input information regarding monitoring case switching from the host.
Monitoring case switching
In an EFI system, the host determines the number of possible monitoring cases. If you
have configured an S3000 with a higher-level device (S3000 host or sens:Control
device) as the guest, more monitoring cases may be available depending on the system
You are using an S3000 Advanced as a guest for an S3000 Professional. The S3000
Professional has been configured with 8 monitoring cases. In this case 8 monitoring
cases will also be available on the S3000 Advanced.
Internal or external OSSDs
In an EFI system, you define which output signal switching device (OSSD) is switched
when there is an object in the protective field.
The effectiveness of a restart interlock/delay configured in the S3000 depends on the
integration of the EFI status information from the S3000 in the logic of the Flexi Soft
safety controller.
Further topics
Interoperability with sens:Control devices
The safety laser scanner can be connected to the following sens:Control devices and
thereby integrated into the respective bus system.
The UE4140-22I0000 PROFIsafe gateway
The UE1140-22I0000 PROFIBUS gateway
The UE1840-22H0000 Ethernet gateway
The UE1940-22I0000 CANopen gateway
The UE4740-20H0000 PROFINET IO gateway
Example applications
The examples shown are only intended to help with planning. Additional protective mea‐
sures for the application may need to be considered.
In the case of the examples with monitoring case switching, bear in mind that a person
may already be in the protective field when switching takes place. Only by switching in
the correct time frame (i.e., before the hazard occurs at this point for the person) is pro‐
tection provided.
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | S3000 Cold Store
8012029/ZA20/2019-11-14 | SICK
Subject to change without notice