Recommendations for further thorough checks
In many cases, depending on the application conditions, the risk assessment of the
machine determines that further thorough checks are required or that some thorough
checks must take place more frequently.
In many cases, it makes sense to carry out the following thorough checks together
with the regular thorough check:
"Visual check of the machine and the protective device", page 58
Test of the relevant points on the checklist,
see "Checklist for initial commissioning
In many cases, it makes sense to carry out the following thorough checks daily:
"Visual check of the machine and the protective device", page 58
"Thorough check of the principal function of the protective device", page 57
Complementary information
If a thorough check discovers a fault, the machine must be shut down immediately. In
this case, the mounting and electrical installation of the safe multibeam scanner must
be checked by appropriately qualified safety personnel.
Notes on the tests
Thorough check of the principal function of the protective device
Recommended approach:
If the SAFE OUT LED does not light up permanently green or red, there is an
If the display behavior of the STATE LED does not meet the specification (
), there is an error.
Test the function of the protective device. To do this, trigger the protective function
once and observe the response of the safety output or the protective field status,
for example based on the machine response.
All applications: During the test, observe whether the safe multibeam scan‐
ner indicates the interruption of the protective field using the LEDs.
Mobile application (mobile hazardous area protection):
Place the supplied test object in the path of the vehicle and observe
whether the vehicle stops.
Activate a protective field, which is interrupted by at least one test object
and check the expected reaction (for example by an automated test in
the safety controller).
Stationary application (access protection):
Interrupt the protective field with the intended test object and observe
whether the machine stops.
If the thorough check reveals a fault, the machine should be shut down immediately. In
this case, the mounting and electrical installation of the safe multibeam scanner must
be checked by appropriately qualified safety personnel.
Thorough check of the area to be protected
The area to be protected and the detection capability are checked during this thorough
The thorough check covers the following points:
Changes in the detection capability (thorough check of all configured fields)
Modifications, tampering and damage to the protective device or the machine,
which lead to changes in the area to be protected or the position of the protective
8025990/2021-03-03 | SICK
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