User manual GC600-GC600
The current load reserve (the difference between rated power of the gensets and the supplied
power) calculated in the hypothesis that the less priority genset is stopped (or that you select
a combination of gensets which is lower for rated power).
The minimum load reserve to deactivate one of the gensets.
Some of these measurements can be displayed in reverse to indicate an “out of threshold” situation
(which can require the starting or stopping of the genset).
When possible, the controller also displays the time available before the start of a new genset or
the stop of one of the supplying gensets).
In this mode, you can access the events and data recording.
A number and time/date stamp identify each record.
The number is shown in the first line of the multifunctional display with the total number of records.
When the archive is full, a new record overwrites the old one; so, the identification number may change
in time.
To activate the mode, press the
button. A menu will guide you to the selection of
the desired function.
Five modes are possible in the device management:
the gensets is not working (or it is stopping), anomalies are all reset, and it is
possible to enter to the programming to modify parameters. GCB circuit breaker is open to
insulate the genset from the loads. MCB circuit breaker (if provided) is closed to connect the
users to the mains.
MAN: the starting and the stopping of the genset, and the management of the GBC and MCB
circuit breakers (if provided) are managed by the operator (the controller does not perform
these operations automatically): being the protections activated, the controller can
automatically open GCB though, stopping the genset and closing MCB (if provided) in case
of need. Accessing programming is allowed, though only some parameters can be modified.
AUTO: the gensets starting and stopping and the management of GCB and MCB circuit
breakers are managed by the board (the operator cannot intervene). All protections are
enabled. Accessing programming is allowed, but only some parameters can be modified.
TEST: this working mode is almost identical to AUTO mode. It differs by the fact that the
engine is in all cases started (automatically) also with mains present and/or with inhibition to
the automatic intervention. The controller provides explicit commands to activate the void
test (without closure of GCB) or with load (with closure of GCB); moreover, generic
commands are needed: in these cases with parameter P.0222
“Enabling load taking in test”
is possible to indicate to the controller if it has to close the GCB circuit breaker automatically.
In any case, the operator has the possibility to control MCB and GCB switches as for in MAN.
When the controller goes back to AUTO (when the test ends), the loads are automatically
switched to the mains (if provided) and the engine is stopped with the normal procedure. The
board will pass automatically from TEST to AUTO if the conditions for an automatic gensets
intervention happens. Accessing programming is allowed, but only some parameters can be
: this working mode is almost identical to AUTO. It only differs in the fact
that the engine is in any case started (automatically) also with mains on and/or with