Shure Incorporated
When an active unit is switched off, the first unit in the queue turns on automatically. The Request indicator flashes when
the conference unit is at the top of the queue and is the next to be switched on.
(voice activation) mode allows conference units to be switched on automatically when a delegate is speaking in the
microphone, as well as toggled on or off using the
button. The microphone also turns off automatically after 4 sec-
Dual units do not support VOX. If VOX is selected, a dual unit will operate in Auto mode. Chairman units are always in Au-
to or VOX mode.
VOX is available in legacy DCS units, and support for MXC is planned for a future firmware update.
Speak Interrupt Ability
Speak interrupt ability
setting determines when a participant can interrupt (turn off) other active speakers by turning on
their own microphone, if the number of active microphones reaches the limits set under
Max. speakers: Delegates
speakers: Total
Not allowed:
When the number of open delegate microphones reaches the
Max. speakers: Delegates
limit, or the number
of open chairman microphones reaches the
Max. speakers: Total
limit, no more delegate/chairman microphones can be
opened and the green LED will flash 3 times.
When the
Max. speakers: Delegates
limit is met but the
Max. speakers: Total
limit is not, a chairman can interrupt the first delegate added to the
Speak list.
When the
Max. speakers: Delegates
limit is reached, a speaker interrupts the first delegate added to the speak list
with lower priority.
Same or lower:
Any participant can interrupt the first delegate added to the Speak list with the same or lower priority
when the
Max. speakers
limit is reached. If only chairman microphones are active, a chairman can interrupt the first chair-
man added to the Speak list.
Individual priority settings can be manually determined in the
Speak priority
column under
Speak Button Lock
When controlling microphones remotely, the
button can be temporarily disabled to avoid unintentional activation by the
Speak button lock
by default. When turned
, only units/users with speak priority 0-4 are locked. Remote commands
from TCP/IP, SW6000, and units with microphone control permission are not affected.
Lock duration
is the amount of time the button's toggle functionality is affected.
Ranges from 2 to 120 seconds, in 1-second intervals
After this time, functionality returns to normal
Lock override time
is the amount of time (in seconds) that the
button must be held for the speaker to bypass the lock.
Ranges from 1 to 120 seconds, in 1-second intervals
Can never be longer than the Lock duration time
Allow Mic Off
This determines whether a delegate can turn his or her microphone off. The option defaults to
When set to
Not allowed
, only a participant with microphone control permission (Chairman) can turn off the microphone.