Cleansing Output
Cleansing Output Mode
(Cleansing output) is selected in any of [EVT1 to EVT4 type (pp. 23,
29, 35, 41)], the unit will enter Cleansing Output mode.
An EVT output (for which the cleansing output is selected) will turn ON during the
configured cleansing time.
When the cleansing interval finishes after restore time has passed, this is
counted as one cleansing time period, and the configured number of cleansing
cycles will be repeated.
While cleansing is being performed, other outputs are in OFF status.
ORP values are retained.
When cleansing is not being performed, normal operation continues.
When power is turned ON again, the unit starts from the first of the cleansing
time periods.
After the configured number of cleansing cycles are finished, the EVT output (for
which the cleansing output is selected) is turned OFF, and other outputs perform
their programmed operations, however, they are in Cleansing Output mode.
Manual Cleansing Mode
By pressing the
keys simultaneously for 3 seconds, the units
enters Manual cleansing mode.
In Manual cleansing mode, cleansing action is performed using “Cleansing time”
and “Restore time after cleansing”.
After cleansing action is complete, the unit automatically reverts to Cleansing
Output mode.
Manual cleansing mode (by keypad operation) will not be accessible if
programmed cleansing is currently being performed. During Manual cleansing
mode, if programmed cleansing action initiates after restore time has passed, the
programmed cleansing action will not be performed in the current session.
ORP Input Error Alarm
Detects actuator trouble.
Even if ORP input error alarm time has elapsed, and if ORP input does not
become higher than ORP input error alarm span, the unit assumes that actuator
trouble has occurred, and writes Status flag 2.
In Serial communication, status can be read by reading Status flag 2 (EVT1,
EVT2, EVT3, EVT4 output flags).
(ORP input error alarm output) is selected in [EVT1 type (p.23)],
EVT1 output is turned ON. The same applies to EVT2, EVT3 and EVT4.
ORP input error alarm is disabled in the following cases:
• During Adjustment mode or Span sensitivity correction mode
• When
(Cleansing output) is selected in any of EVT1 to EVT4 type (p.
23, 29, 35, 41), and cleansing is performing using the ‘Cleansing time’ and
‘Restore time after cleansing’ settings.
• When ORP input error alarm time is set to 0 seconds (or minutes) or ORP
input error alarm span is set to 0 mV.