Mode14 PV SV multi points compensation setting screen
Mode 14 lead screen
Operation mode setting screen
This function is used for compensation Input value.
More than 2 points of setting is needed to effective this function.
Set point setting have to be needed bigger value than the previous value.
Initial Value:
Setting range:
Linier input compensation
PV-PV Compensation
SV-PV Compensation
AI-SV SV Compensation
is not display at RTD and TC input.
display when AI function is allotted to SV.
Set point 1 position setting screen
Initial Value:
Setting range:
-5.00~105.00 %
within measuring range(scaling)
within measuring range(scaling)
within measuring range(scaling)
Set point 1 value setting screen
Initial Value:
Setting range:
-5.00~105.00 %
±10000 digit
±10000 digit
±10000 digit
Decimal point of
are depend on
measuring range.
Set point 2 position setting ~Set point 11 position setting are same as 1 Set
point 2 value setting ~ Set point 11 value setting are same as 1