SV 1 setting screen
Initial Value : At the time of sensor input
linear input time scaling lower limit
Setting range : sensor input time within measuring range
linear input time within scaling range
Moreover, within limit of SV limiter.
When SV1 is Execution SV, being reflected in basic screen.
Being initialized when measuring range, unit, and scaling are changed.
SV1 PID No, setting screen
SV1 lead screen
Initial Value : 1
Setting range : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
When SV1 is Execution SV, PID No. that will be used is chosen from 1~8.
EV operation points of each SV1~8 setting screen is displayed at EV1~4
operating point is set
at basic screen on FIX operation.
Being initialized when Event mode are changed.