Out1 Flex PID factor A setting screen.
Initial Value : 0.20 (program operation)
0.40 (Fix operation)
Setting range : 0.00 ~1.00
Display at the time of PID methiod is set 2.
Initialaized at Program and Fix has changed.
Refer to Explanation of Flex PID method
Display at the time of PID method 2
Out1 Flex PID factor B setting screen.
Initial Value:0.20 (program operation)
1.00(Fix operation)
Setting range:0.00 ~1.00
Display at the time of PID method is set 2.
Initialized at Program and Fix has changed.
Refer to Explanation of Flex PID method Display at the time of PID method 2
Out1 Flex PID factor C setting screen.
Initial Value : 0.40 (Output 1 character and Output2 character are same)
0.80 (Output 1 character and Output2 character are different)
Setting range : 0.00 ~ 1.00
Display at the time of PID method is set 2.
Initialized at Program and Fix has changed.
Refer to Explanation of Flex PID method
Display at the time of PID method 2
Output1 PID1 minimum limiter setting screen
Initial value : 0.0
Setting range : 0.0~99.9%
Output lower limit value of output 1 PID1 is set.