General information
About this documentation
Manual – MOVI-C
CONTROLLER progressive UHX65A-M
General information
About this documentation
This documentation is an integral part of the product. The documentation is intended
for all employees who perform work on the product.
Make sure this documentation is accessible and legible. Ensure that persons respon-
sible for the systems and their operation as well as persons who work with the product
independently have read through the documentation carefully and understood it. If you
are unclear about any of the information in this documentation, or if you require further
information, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE.
Content of the documentation
The descriptions in this documentation refer to the software and firmware versions at
the time of publication. These descriptions might differ if you install later software or
firmware versions. In this case, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE.
You can always find the latest version of the documentation in Online Support on the
website of SEW‑EURODRIVE.
Other applicable documentation
This documentation supplements the operating instructions of the associated product.
Use this documentation only in connection with the operating instructions.
Observe the following other applicable documentation:
CONTROLLER progressive UHX65A" operating instructions
Always use the latest edition of the documentation and the software.
The SEW‑EURODRIVE website (www.sew‑eurodrive.com) provides a wide selection
of documents for download in various languages. If required, you can also order print-
ed and bound copies of the documentation from SEW‑EURODRIVE.
26881144/EN – 02/2022