Safety notes
Functional safety technology
Manual – MOVI-C
CONTROLLER progressive UHX65A-M
Functional safety technology
The product must not perform any safety functions without a higher-level safety sys-
tem unless explicitly allowed by the documentation.
Inspect the shipment for damage as soon as you receive the delivery. Inform the ship-
ping company immediately about any damage. If the product is damaged, it must not
be assembled, installed or started up.
Observe the following notes when transporting the device:
Ensure that the product is not subject to mechanical impact.
If necessary, use suitable, sufficiently dimensioned handling equipment.
Observe the information on climatic conditions in chapter "Technical data" (→
of the documentation.
Ensure that the product is installed and cooled in accordance with the regulations in
the documentation.
Protect the product from excessive mechanical strain. The product and its mounted
components must not protrude into the path of persons or vehicles. Ensure that no
components are deformed or no insulation spaces are modified, particularly during
transportation. Electrical components must not be mechanically damaged or de-
Observe the notes in chapter "Mechanical installation" in the documentation.
Restrictions of use
The following applications are prohibited unless the device is explicitly designed for
such use:
Use in potentially explosive atmospheres
Use in areas exposed to harmful oils, acids, gases, vapors, dust, and radiation
Operation in applications with impermissibly high mechanical vibration and shock
loads in excess of the regulations stipulated in EN 61800-5-1
Use at an elevation of more than 3800 m above sea level
26881144/EN – 02/2022