Area of application
Manual – MOVI-C
CONTROLLER progressive UHX65A-M
Area of application
The integration of a PROFINET IO controller or EtherNet/IP™ scanners into the con-
trol technology of SEW‑EURODRIVE enables even more flexible machine concepts.
For example, systems and machines can work with a high-performance EtherCAT
FSoE cable for time-critical tasks such as motion control and safety ("hard real-time
communication") while an additional independent PROFINET or EtherNet/IP™ net-
work and other periphery are being used for the process (e.g. reading process data).
This enables the physical decoupling of time-critical and process-relevant processes
as well as the optimization and increase of the system robustness of the time-critical
This results in a mixed topology consisting of EtherCAT
as the system bus for the
high-performance motion control of drives and PROFINET or EtherNet/IP™ for the
reading of data from sensors or other peripherals and the writing of data (and thereby
control) of simple actuators and other peripherals.
In addition, many components are available as a PROFINET device slave or EtherNet/
IP™ slave and not as an EtherCAT
slave such as industrial printers, for example. A
broad spectrum of network-based industrial periphery (e.g. switches, optical data
transmission devices), and sensor technology can thereby be integrated.
26881144/EN – 02/2022